Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just Write

It turns out that despite the fact that my house is untidy most of the time, there is a streak of perfectionism in me. I've often wanted to post something, but didn't have the time (or want to take the time) to get it Just Right and if I had taken the time, still would have never gotten things like I wanted them. So today I'm jumping in, messy and disorganized, but here.

My toddler woke up today feeling very needy. She is usually cheerful in the morning but this morning she only wanted me to sit down with her. My first reaction was to think of the long, long list of things to be done today but I finally gave in. Who knows how long she's going want to do that? After surrendering my agenda, at least for that twenty or thirty minutes, I enjoyed spending time with her. She just wanted to be with me. She didn't even mind when I switched off Blue's Clues and turned on a documentary about the Queen of England.

It brought two important reminders for me. People should come before my list of things to do, certainly my children should. Relationships are primary. Jesus never shooed people away because He was busy doing something else.

My little girl only wanted to sit in my presence. Once I put myself aside, it was a great pleasure to spend those few quiet minutes with her. Is this a picture of how God feels when I want to be quiet and sit with Him? Not with a list of needs or complaints, but just a desire to be with Him?